Friday, March 9, 2012

Error with xp_cmdshell command

I'm having the hardest problem. My input values are of datetime and the cha
racter string that I'm creating is giving me an error saying can't convert d
atetime to char. Is what I'm trying to do possible?
Thanks in advance for your help.
set @.dcmd = 'exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''osql -Sservername -E -o ' + rtri
m(@.cmd) + ' -Q" set nocount off;select * from table_one b, table_two m where
b.table_one_1 = m.table_two_2 and b.table_one_1= m.table_two_2 and date (th
is is a date time value) be
tween ' + (date time value) + ' and ' + end date time value + ''', no_output
Because @.dcmd is of varchar and the parms that I'm trying to send it is date
time nothing seems to work. I can't even put quotes around it because it r
efuses to run without it.You only need to post this question once.
Mark Allison, SQL Server MVP
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D wrote:
> I'm having the hardest problem. My input values are of datetime and the c
haracter string that I'm creating is giving me an error saying can't convert
datetime to char. Is what I'm trying to do possible?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> set @.dcmd = 'exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''osql -Sservername -E -o ' + rtrim(@.cmd
) + ' -Q" set nocount off;select * from table_one b, table_two m where b.table_one_1
= m.table_two_2 and b.table_one_1= m.table_two_2 and date (this is a date time valu
between ' + (date time value) + ' and ' + end date time value + ''', no_output'en">
> Because @.dcmd is of varchar and the parms that I'm trying to send it is date time
nothing seems to work. I can't even put quotes around it because it refuses to run
without it.

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