We are running SQL two node active-active cluster. Since yester day It faile
d over because of “BPool::map: No remappable address found” error.
Did some one face the problem? As this is a critical server, we need to fi
x the same at the earliest. Your valuable input is required.
Is this because of low memory or is it a bug'
( Sql Instance is running with 8GB memory and total OS memory is 15GB)
Following is the part of Logs before fail over:
Todays log:
2004-03-04 11:43:14.30 spid77 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-04 11:43:14.30 spid6 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-04 11:43:14.30 spid85 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-04 11:43:14.30 spid79 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-04 11:43:14.31 spid55 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=191234 Free=14
98 Procedures=204
Inram=0 Dirty=19842 Kept=0
I/O=67, Latched=949, Other=814174
2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Buffer Counts: Commited=1027968 Target=102
7968 Hashed=835036
InternalReservation=213 ExternalReservation=22524 Min Free=1024
2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=20 TotalPages=
204 InUsePages=202
2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=124482 OS R
OS Committed=1592
OS In Use=1567
Query Plan=560 Optimizer=0
Utilities=1334 Connection=249
2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Global Memory Objects: Resource=2068 Locks
SQLCache=82 Replication=2
LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=44
2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Query Memory Manager: Grants=5 Waiting=7 M
aximum=89476 Available=0
2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid79 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=191226 Free=15
06 Procedures=204
Inram=0 Dirty=19842 Kept=0
I/O=67, Latched=948, Other=814175
2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid79 Buffer Counts: Commited=1027968 Target=102
7968 Hashed=835028
InternalReservation=213 ExternalReservation=22524 Min Free=1024
2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid79 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=20 TotalPages=
204 InUsePages=202
2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid79 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=124482 OS R
OS Committed=1592
OS In Use=1567
Query Plan=560 Optimizer=0
Utilities=1334 Connection=249
Yesterday log:
2004-03-03 14:50:27.72 spid90 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-03 14:50:27.74 spid109 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-03 14:50:27.74 spid56 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-03 14:50:27.74 spid52 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-03 14:50:27.75 spid105 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-03 14:50:27.75 spid104 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-03 14:50:27.80 spid100 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-03 14:50:27.80 spid111 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-03 14:50:27.80 spid100 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
2004-03-03 14:50:27.89 spid109 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=191002 Free=11
71 Procedures=174
2004-03-03 14:50:27.89 spid56 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=191002 Free=11
71 Procedures=174
Inram=0 Dirty=10927 Kept=0
I/O=0, Latched=1214, Other=823480
Inram=0 Dirty=10927 Kept=0
I/O=0, Latched=1214, Other=823480
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid56 Buffer Counts: Commited=1027968 Target=102
7968 Hashed=835622
InternalReservation=250 ExternalReservation=2278 Min Free=1024
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid109 Buffer Counts: Commited=1027968 Target=102
7968 Hashed=835622
InternalReservation=250 ExternalReservation=2278 Min Free=1024
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid56 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=21 TotalPages=
174 InUsePages=170
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid109 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=21 TotalPages=
174 InUsePages=170
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid56 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=117319 OS R
OS Committed=1608
OS In Use=1599
Query Plan=865 Optimizer=14
Utilities=838 Connection=403
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid109 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=117319 OS R
OS Committed=1608
OS In Use=1599
Query Plan=865 Optimizer=14
Utilities=838 Connection=403
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid56 Global Memory Objects: Resource=3621 Locks
SQLCache=94 Replication=2
LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=62
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid109 Global Memory Objects: Resource=3621 Locks
SQLCache=94 Replication=2
LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=62
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid56 Query Memory Manager: Grants=5 Waiting=10
Maximum=76134 Available=0
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid109 Query Memory Manager: Grants=5 Waiting=10
Maximum=76134 Available=0
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid104 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=191003 Free=11
70 Procedures=174
Inram=0 Dirty=10927 Kept=0
I/O=0, Latched=1214, Other=823480
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid104 Buffer Counts: Commited=1027968 Target=102
7968 Hashed=835621
InternalReservation=250 ExternalReservation=2278 Min Free=1024
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid104 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=21 TotalPages=
174 InUsePages=170
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid104 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=117319 OS R
OS Committed=1608
OS In Use=1599
Query Plan=865 Optimizer=14
Utilities=838 Connection=403
2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid104 Global Memory Objects: Resource=3621 Locks
SQLCache=94 Replication=2
LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=62
Xact=74I would contact PSS about this one
I can't recall seeing this before but it sounds like there may be an issue
with AWE. Do you have both /3GB and /PAE enabled or just /PAE in boot.ini ?
Jasper Smith (SQL Server MVP)
I support PASS - the definitive, global
community for SQL Server professionals -
"Hemant" <anonymous@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> We are running SQL two node active-active cluster. Since yester day It
failed over because of "BPool::map: No remappable address found" error.
> Did some one face the problem? As this is a critical server, we need to
fix the same at the earliest. Your valuable input is required.
> Is this because of low memory or is it a bug'
> ( Sql Instance is running with 8GB memory and total OS memory is 15GB)
> Following is the part of Logs before fail over:
> Todays log:
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.30 spid77 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.30 spid6 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.30 spid85 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.30 spid79 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.31 spid55 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=191234
Free=1498 Procedures=204
> Inram=0 Dirty=19842 Kept=0
> I/O=67, Latched=949, Other=814174
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Buffer Counts: Commited=1027968
Target=1027968 Hashed=835036
> InternalReservation=213 ExternalReservation=22524
Min Free=1024
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=20
TotalPages=204 InUsePages=202
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=124482 OS
> OS Committed=1592
> OS In Use=1567
> Query Plan=560 Optimizer=0
> General=12887
> Utilities=1334 Connection=249
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Global Memory Objects: Resource=2068
> SQLCache=82 Replication=2
> LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=44
> Xact=42
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid6 Query Memory Manager: Grants=5 Waiting=7
Maximum=89476 Available=0
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid79 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=191226
Free=1506 Procedures=204
> Inram=0 Dirty=19842 Kept=0
> I/O=67, Latched=948, Other=814175
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid79 Buffer Counts: Commited=1027968
Target=1027968 Hashed=835028
> InternalReservation=213 ExternalReservation=22524
Min Free=1024
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid79 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=20
TotalPages=204 InUsePages=202
> 2004-03-04 11:43:14.44 spid79 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=124482 OS
> OS Committed=1592
> OS In Use=1567
> Query Plan=560 Optimizer=0
> General=12887
> Utilities=1334 Connection=249
> Yesterday log:
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.72 spid90 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.74 spid109 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.74 spid56 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.74 spid52 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.75 spid105 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.75 spid104 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.80 spid100 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.80 spid111 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.80 spid100 BPool::Map: no remappable address found.
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.89 spid109 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=191002
Free=1171 Procedures=174
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.89 spid56 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=191002
Free=1171 Procedures=174
> Inram=0 Dirty=10927 Kept=0
> I/O=0, Latched=1214, Other=823480
> Inram=0 Dirty=10927 Kept=0
> I/O=0, Latched=1214, Other=823480
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid56 Buffer Counts: Commited=1027968
Target=1027968 Hashed=835622
> InternalReservation=250 ExternalReservation=2278
Min Free=1024
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid109 Buffer Counts: Commited=1027968
Target=1027968 Hashed=835622
> InternalReservation=250 ExternalReservation=2278
Min Free=1024
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid56 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=21
TotalPages=174 InUsePages=170
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid109 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=21
TotalPages=174 InUsePages=170
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid56 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=117319 OS
> OS Committed=1608
> OS In Use=1599
> Query Plan=865 Optimizer=14
> General=5999
> Utilities=838 Connection=403
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid109 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=117319 OS
> OS Committed=1608
> OS In Use=1599
> Query Plan=865 Optimizer=14
> General=5999
> Utilities=838 Connection=403
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid56 Global Memory Objects: Resource=3621
> SQLCache=94 Replication=2
> LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=62
> Xact=74
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid109 Global Memory Objects: Resource=3621
> SQLCache=94 Replication=2
> LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=62
> Xact=74
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid56 Query Memory Manager: Grants=5
Waiting=10 Maximum=76134 Available=0
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid109 Query Memory Manager: Grants=5
Waiting=10 Maximum=76134 Available=0
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid104 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=191003
Free=1170 Procedures=174
> Inram=0 Dirty=10927 Kept=0
> I/O=0, Latched=1214, Other=823480
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid104 Buffer Counts: Commited=1027968
Target=1027968 Hashed=835621
> InternalReservation=250 ExternalReservation=2278
Min Free=1024
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid104 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=21
TotalPages=174 InUsePages=170
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid104 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=117319 OS
> OS Committed=1608
> OS In Use=1599
> Query Plan=865 Optimizer=14
> General=5999
> Utilities=838 Connection=403
> 2004-03-03 14:50:27.91 spid104 Global Memory Objects: Resource=3621
> SQLCache=94 Replication=2
> LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=62
> Xact=74
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