Thanks in advance everyone.
RBCan you show us the code that is generating this error?
Public Shared Function GetSelectedFunds() As DataTable
'Dim GlobalConnString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")
'Dim SelectedCenter As Integer = ddlCenters.SelectedItem.ValueTry
Return ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.GlobalConnString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetSelectedFOIFunds", New SqlParameter("@.ParentFund", Test.SelectedCenter)).Tables(0)
Catch Ex As Exception
Throw New ApplicationException("An error occurred while executing GetSelectedFunds", Ex)
End Try
End FunctionSub subCenterListChange(ByVal S As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
SelectedCenter = ddlCenters.SelectedItem.Value
ddlFOI.DataSource = GetSelectedFunds()
End Sub
What i'm trying to do is once a user makes a selection on the first dropdown list then I want to fire off the second drop down list and fill it with a result set that is based on the first selection.
For some reason it is not firing off and it is saying the following:
''error: identifier 'stored procedure name' is out of scope'
Any help is appricated:
Thanks again
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