Thursday, March 29, 2012

error: identifier stored proc name is out of scope

Does anyone know what this error message is telling me.

Thanks in advance everyone.

RBCan you show us the code that is generating this error?


Public Shared Function GetSelectedFunds() As DataTable
'Dim GlobalConnString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")
'Dim SelectedCenter As Integer = ddlCenters.SelectedItem.Value


Return ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.GlobalConnString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetSelectedFOIFunds", New SqlParameter("@.ParentFund", Test.SelectedCenter)).Tables(0)

Catch Ex As Exception
Throw New ApplicationException("An error occurred while executing GetSelectedFunds", Ex)
End Try
End Function

Sub subCenterListChange(ByVal S As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)

SelectedCenter = ddlCenters.SelectedItem.Value

ddlFOI.DataSource = GetSelectedFunds()
End Sub

What i'm trying to do is once a user makes a selection on the first dropdown list then I want to fire off the second drop down list and fill it with a result set that is based on the first selection.

For some reason it is not firing off and it is saying the following:

''error: identifier 'stored procedure name' is out of scope'

Any help is appricated:

Thanks again


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