Thursday, March 29, 2012

Error: Could not find stored procedure !!


Error: Could not find stored procedure.

I Installed the SQL Server SP2 and the error still occurs when ever I call the stored procedure from my windows app!!

Any Help ?

what's the name of SP you want to call?|||

In design window its : GetMonthRecord;1

in code window its: GetMonthRecord_1

I tried to rename it to : GetMonthRecord

the same error occurs !!


Would you mind running this query and posting the results so that we can get some more information related to the object:

select uid,
left ([name], 30) as [name]
from sysobjects
where [name] like 'GetMonthRecord%'


I run this query:

select uid,

left ([name], 30) as [name]

from sysobjects

where [name] like 'ThisMonthRecords%'

the result is:

1 ThisMonthRecords


Now try:

exec ThisMonthRecords

and post the results


executed succecfully the result is integer:



I'm facing the problem only with VS2005, when I add the procedure as queryTableAdapter, no error in code, but the error uccours after calling the SP.

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