Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Error: Attribute key cannot be found

Helo, I have the following problem

I have one fact-table in my cube
And I have one dimension table

When I process the cube I get the following error:

"Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The attribute key cannot be found: Table: dbo_fbi_analytic_journals, Column: journals_key, Value: 306."

I understand the error, and I know why I get the error, but how can I solve the error

In the fact-table there is a record with key 306, but this key is not found in the dimension table. What I want is that in the cube are all the record that are in the fact-table with a reference in the dimension table, so the record with key 306 must not be in the cube

Anyone an idea ?


Look at your processing options. On the "Dimension key errors" tab select "Use custom error configuration" and change the setting to "Convert to unknown".


I have this same situation. But where are the processing options found? I don't see it!



|||found it! thanks.|||

Is there a way to set the "Dimension key errors" to automatically use the 'Use Custom error configuration' without having to set it each time processing is performed?




It is also possible to set ErrorConfiguration on the partitoin, measure group or on the cube.

Take a look at the properties dialog for cube or partition in SQL Management Studio, you will find a Error Configuraiton tab there.

In BI Dev Studio look at the properties panel and find ErrorConfiguration property. Once you set it to "Custom", you will be able to set individual error configuration properties.

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right-click on the cube in the solution explorer pane.

select 'process...'

press the 'change settings' button.

select the 'dimension key errors' tab

select the radio button 'use custom error configuration'


Your settings won't "stick" in the Analysis designer itself for some reason... you must create an Analysis Services Task in BI Studio to run against the cube you've created.



I get the same error msg but here's the situation

I create a new project, with a data source and a data source view with only one table

I create a dimension base on this table and try to process it

There's no cube, only a dimension and it failed with attribute key not found error

After many test I discover that the lines causing the error where random and the error line are same as those that work

I understand the reason why this error is thrown when a cube reference to an item that doesn't in the dimension but in my situation I really can't understand what happen !!

Can somebody help me with this one

thank you


|||make sure you process your dimensions before your CUBE.


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