Monday, March 26, 2012

Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 1

Below message is frequently appearing in error log file. Before posting this
issue I searched net but I am not sure how to overcome this issue as it is
Production System and I am not much aware of SQL Server 2000. I can count on
table 'ComputerVulnerability' but cannot export the data. Your guidance will
be highly appreciated in helping and solving the issue before it become
... IAM indicates that page is allocated to this object
Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 1
Attempt to fetch logical page (1:182850)
in database 'Prod' belongs to object '0', not to object
As a first step execute a DBCC CHECKDB and get mofre information on the
error. To solve this you may need to try executing the DBCC with
REPAIR_REBUILD and if the issue is not solved you may need to take a backup
of database execute DBCC CHECKDB with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS .
If nothing works out you may need to restore from a last good backup. In
parallel you could create a Microsoft case and get the help of microsoft
product support.
"Bini" <> wrote in message
> Below message is frequently appearing in error log file. Before posting
> this
> issue I searched net but I am not sure how to overcome this issue as it is
> Production System and I am not much aware of SQL Server 2000. I can count
> on
> table 'ComputerVulnerability' but cannot export the data. Your guidance
> will
> be highly appreciated in helping and solving the issue before it become
> critical.
> (1:182850)/(1:182850) 0/612197231
> ... IAM indicates that page is allocated to this object
> Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 1
> Attempt to fetch logical page (1:182850)
> in database 'Prod' belongs to object '0', not to object
> 'ComputerVulnerability'..

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