Sunday, February 26, 2012

Error with a simple JOIN query....


I've a big problem by using the following query :

Code Snippet

public SqlCeResultSet selectRSQuery(String query)


SqlCeResultSet resultSet = initializeCommand(query).ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Scrollable | ResultSetOptions.Updatable);

return resultSet;


SqlCeResultSet resultSet = sgb.selectRSQuery(

"SELECT p.pId, p.pLogin FROM Profiles p, ProfilesGroups pg, Groups g " +

"WHERE g.gId = pg.tpGroupId " +

"AND p.pId = pg.tpProfileId " +

"AND g.gProfileID = '" + + "'");

It return me this error :

Cannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is a non-standard join expression.

What can I do?


Try using ANSI joins?

public SqlCeResultSet selectRSQuery(String query)


SqlCeResultSet resultSet = initializeCommand(query).ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Scrollable | ResultSetOptions.Updatable);

return resultSet;


SqlCeResultSet resultSet = sgb.selectRSQuery(

"SELECT p.pId, p.pLogin

FROM Profiles p

inner join ProfilesGroups pg on pg.tpProfileID = p.pld

inner join Groups g on g.gld = pg.tpProfileId" +

"WHERE g.gProfileID = '" + + "'");



I tried it... and it returns me :

Cannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is no updatable column.

thx for help



if I remove the Options of the resultset.... It works..... but then It says me :

This operation is not valid because the cursor is not scrollable.

when I bind the resultset to my ListView :

lstViewTest.DataContext = resultSet;

edit : Here is the explanation of the problem :

Forward-only/Read-only Cursors

Forward-only/read-only cursors, referred to as forward-only cursors in earlier versions of SQL Server Compact Edition, are the fastest cursors, but cannot be updated.

The following is an example of how to obtain a forward-only/read-only cursor by using ADO.NET:

cmd.CommandText = "Select * from tablename";

SqlCeResultSet rs = cmd.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.None);

Note You cannot create read-only cursors on query that returns only read only columns because internally all SQL Server Compact Edition cursors are updatable. SQL Server Compact Edition cannot update read-only columns returned in the SqlCeResultSet. Therefore, it would fail with the error "Cannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is no updatable column."


how can I fill my ListView without using a ResultSet ?


|||ExecuteReader returns a DataReader that can be fed to the DataTable.Load. Either that or create a DataAdapter and use the Fill method to create a DataTable. Bind the DataTable to the list.|||


I decided to use ObservableCollection! I load my objects with a sqlcedatareader in a ObservableCollection, and then bind it in xaml mode!

The disadvantage of this method is that I lost "the design preview" in Blend

Here is my code :

Code Snippet

public class ProfileI : INotifyPropertyChanged


private String _id;

private String _profileInfoID;

private String _login;

private String _password;

public ProfileI() { }

public ProfileI(string id, string profileInfoID, string login)


Id = id;

ProfileInfoID = profileInfoID;

Login = login;


public ProfileI(string id, string profileInfoID, string login, string password)


Id = id;

ProfileInfoID = profileInfoID;

Login = login;

Password = password;


#region Properties Getters/Setters

public String Login




return _login;




if (value != "")


if (value.Length < 5)


throw new ArgumentException(app.Resources.errorLoginTooSmall);


_login = value;





public String Password




return _password;




if (value != "")


if (value.Length < 5)


throw new ArgumentException(app.Resources.errorLoginTooSmall);


_password = value;





public string ProfileInfoID




return _profileInfoID;




_profileInfoID = value;




public string Id




return _id;




_id = value;





public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

protected void OnPropertyChanged(String propertyName)


if (this.PropertyChanged != null)

PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));



public class myProfilesI :



public myProfilesI()


// On r?cup?re les "profiles-amis" de l'utilisateur

SingleDatabase sd = SingleDatabase.getInstance();

SqlCeDataReader sdr = sd.selectDRQuery(

"SELECT p.pId, p.pProfileInfoID, p.pLogin FROM Profiles p, ProfilesGroups pg, Groups g " +

"WHERE g.gId = pg.tpGroupId " +

"AND p.pId = pg.tpProfileId " +

"AND g.gProfileID = '" + + "'");

while (sdr.Read())


Add(new ProfileI(sdr["pId"].ToString(), sdr["pProfileInfoID"].ToString(), sdr["pLogin"].ToString()));




And my XAML file :

Code Snippet









Width="640" Height="480">


<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="MyProfilesInfoDataSource"

ObjectType="{x:Type ToDo:myProfilesI}"/>


<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">


<RowDefinition Height="0.169*"/>

<RowDefinition Height="0.831*"/>

<RowDefinition Height="30"/>


<ToDo:Footer HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Width="Auto" Height="Auto" Grid.Row="2"/>

<ToDo:Header HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.RowSpan="1"/>

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyProfilesInfoDataSource}}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" Grid.Row="1">



<GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding=

"{Binding Path=Login}"

Header="Login" Width="100"/>






Also note that it's not possible to use construtors like this :

Code Snippet

public ProfileI(string id, string profileInfoID, string login)

: this(id, profileInfoID, login, null)


public ProfileI(string id, string profileInfoID, string login, string password)


Id = id;

ProfileInfoID = profileInfoID;

Login = login;

Password = password;


If you have a solution to conserve the design in Blend, I will be happy .


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