Sunday, February 26, 2012

Error with linked server after failover

Hi all,

The following query that uses a linked server is giving me the error message below after I initiate a failover (ALTER DATABASE Northwind SET PARTNER FAILOVER).I have SQL Server 2005 SP2.I think that without the service pack there is another error too.

The query is run from a database other than northwind of course.

select * from DualLink.northwind.dbo.Test1

Please note that:

without a failover itworks perfectly

it always work if I try to run it a second time - only the first time it fails.

it fails the first time for each of the open connections. A new connection that was open after the failover will work fine.

A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)

A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)

The linked server is defined as

EXEC master.


@.server = N'DualLink',





EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

@.rmtsrvname = 'DualLink',

@.useself = false,

@.locallogin = 'sa',

@.rmtuser = 'sa',

@.rmtpassword = 'MyPwd'



I am having the same problem except I don't have a linked server.

I am running SQL Server 2005 sp1 and Windows 2003 using clustering.

In addition to your symptoms I have noticed the following:

1. The error occurs when I make a query through Server Manager and when using a java app that queries a database using an ASP page. However, if I bring up our website as the first request after failover it works fine.

2. If I failover from Server1 to Server2 and don't make any requests while it is on Server2 and then failover back to Server1 I do not get the error. If I make any requests while it is on Server2 then the first request I make on Server1 after failing over will cause the error.

If you have solved the problem I would like to know how. If I find a solution I will post it here.


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