Sunday, February 26, 2012

Error with Downloading MSDE

Dear All,
I am new to SQL I download "sql2ksp3" to my laptop (Window Xp Pentium III) and then I start to setup MSDE:


After I run this command it gives me the following statment!!!

Setup failed to configure the server.Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for more information.

Please help me what i have to do to make this stuff works!!

Henok::Please help me what i have to do to make this stuff works!!

I hate to tell you, but this starts with reading the error message. And following the isntructions it provides.


::Setup failed to configure the server.Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for
::more information.

Tells you to go to the sever error logs and the setup error logs and get more information.

Now, without this information, I do not really see how we could help you. Maybe if my crystal ball version 22332233 is finally delivered, but until then at least I actually do rely on you getting the errors our of your computer.

Are you sure that pass and securitymode are correct, btw? I NEVER had to run setup with any parameters.|||Have you installed MSDE before this, and you're just upgrading your current instance?

check out this tutorial on MSDE installation:
A Beginner's Guide - Installing MSDE
|||To DL the MSDE Engine I would first Download This file... Latest Update, From memory the file you listed above is the SP3 for SQL Server and not the desktop install.

MSDE SP3a Download.|||I had the same problem because I, too, read the installation instructions that shipped with MSDE.

I used the following command:
setup SAPWD="bubba"

If you choose to use theSECURITYMODE switch, you won't need to encloseSQL in quotations.

Good luck!

Thanks for pointing us (at least me) to a nice artilce. I could over come this issue and it works fine for me. Thank you.

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